Page 7 - Trolls 2 hour
P. 7

(demonstrate as you say this) and when the music stops it means a ‘baddy’ has appeared and so they must jump down and hide as quickly as possible (demonstrate jumping down and hiding as you say this). Do not eliminate children or make anyone ‘out’. Rather, tell them that you will be watching carefully and if they jump down to the floor when the music stops, then they will all get some magic sparkles at the end of the party! Play the track and the children spring ‘from flower to flower’ all around the room. Encourage them to do different types of movement such as leaping, hopping, jumping, skipping and dancing! Pause the music sporadically and the children jump down to the floor to hide from the ‘baddy’. At the end of the game, congratulate the children on doing a great job and tell them they’ve all won some magic sparkles that you will give them at the end of the party.
18. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH HIDING: ‘Dance All Together’ (adapted from ‘Jump All Together’ by Found Sound partners & Bridie Jackson)
“It’s time to play with the parachute again but first we need to learn a special troll song!” Stand up and sing the song holding the imaginary parachute. Shake it vigorously and sing loudly for
“Dance all together...”, crouch down low and hold it still on the ground and sing softly for “Hide all together...” and then lift it high up in the air for “whoosh!”.
Dance all together, dance all together, dance all together now. “Oh no the bergens are coming!” (spoken)
Hide all together, hide all together, hide all together now. “Phew, they’re gone!” (spoken)
Dance all together, dance all together, dance all together now. Hide all together, hide all together, hide all together now. One, two, three whoosh!
Next, take out the real parachute and choose three to five children (depending on how many children are at the party) to hide underneath and be the trolls. Encourage the trolls to dance and hide when indicated by the lyrics. The other children hold the parachute and move it as before as they sing the song. Repeat, choosing three to five different children, until everyone has had a turn. Choose the children in order around the circle so you can keep tabs on who has been and so the children can see when their turn is coming up.
Lastly, ask your party assistant (if applicable) or a nearby parent (if willing) to hold the other end of the parachute so all the children can go underneath together while you sing the song one last time. NB: if there are no willing adults to help then you can skip this step or ask a volunteer child (try to choose one of the older children) to help.
19. ACTION SONG OR POEM TWO: ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ performed by Lucy sparkles & Friends
“To be like Poppy you have to be very clever so now we’re going to do the tricky version of ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ to see just how big and strong your brains are!” Play the track and perform the actions indicated by the lyrics. Don’t forget to sing a long and remind the children when to use their “thinking voices”. See if you can catch anyone out!
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
20. MAKE A MAGIC BIRTHDAY CAKE*: ‘Chop, Chop’ by Traditional and ‘Happy Birthday’ by Traditional
Tell the children that it’s almost time for bubbles but first they must make a magic birthday cake for the birthday child! Ask them if they remember making Troll Soup for Trollstice at the start of the party. “Well this time we are going to make a delicious cake full of all our favourite
things!” Choose some volunteers to tell you which ingredients they would like to put in the magic birthday cake. Place the suggested ingredients onto your chopping board (flat
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