Page 13 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 13

     The Flea
      Creeping, creeping little flea, Up my leg and past my knees. On my tummy up he goes, Past my chin and to my nose. Pat, pat, pat, pat.
Now he's going past my chin, To my tummy once again, Down my leg and past my knees,
To my toes that little flea. Lalalalalalalala. Gotcha!
With melody
Backing track only
     1. Sing the song acapella. Creep fingers up body, patting nose four times on ‘pat pat...’ Creep fingers back down body until ‘to my toes...’. Then creep fingers up body again during ‘La la...’, clapping hands together on ‘Gotcha!’ If there are parents in the group, they can creep fingers up their child's body. When you have sung the song once, practise clapping hands and saying ‘Gotcha!’ several times (as this is their favourite part), then sing the full song again
2. As above only you play the backing track or your own live accompaniment.
    Same as for babies.
* You can sing this song or ‘Home Among the Gum Trees’. ‘Home Among the Gum Trees’ tends to work better for older toddlers and 'The Flea' tends to work better for younger toddlers.
  Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom,
We're going to the moon.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We'll be there very soon.
If you want to take a trip,
Climb aboard my rocket ship.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom,
We're going to the moon. (spoken) In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!
   Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Babies are sitting on a grown up's lap. Adults hold babies’ hands together to make a rocket and move them from side to side to the pulse. Younger babies can be gently bounced or rocked to the pulse if the hand movements are too difficult. Adults creep their fingers up baby's arm for 'If you want... rocket ship'. Adults squeeze tips of babies’ fingers on one hand one at a time as they count down from five and then lift baby into the air on 'BLAST OFF!' You demonstrate on your large teddy to begin with and then accompany with your melodic instrument once the adults know the actions.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Perform the song for the children with the actions as described in toddlers activity two. If there are lots of adults helping, try to take turns. helping different babies with the actions (including lifting them up at the end) as in the activity for public classes with parents/carers.
2. Sing with the parachute, moving it from side to side to the pulse and flinging it high into the air for 'BLAST OFF!'. Once you have practiced that, place your small teddy on top so you can send her/him to the moon, flinging her/him high up into the air at the end. Accompany on your melodic instrument once the adults know the movements.
   1. Reveal the rocket picture and briefly discuss rockets and astronauts with the children.
2. The children hold the palms of their hands together to make a rocket ship and move them from side to side to the pulse. They walk the fingers of one hand up the arm of the other hand for 'If you want to take a trip... rocket ship'. Hands together again for last line. They hold up the fingers on one hand and hide them away one at a time as they count down. They jump up as high as they can for 'BLAST OFF!'. You sing the song acapella and join in doing the actions with them as they learn the words and the actions. Once they know the movement well, accompany the group on your melodic instrument.
3. Experiment with a “slow rocket ship” (slower tempo) and a “fast rocket ship” (faster tempo). Make sure the faster tempo is still slow enough that the children can all join in and keep in time with each other and you.
   Same as for toddl ers
     melodic instrument, picture of rocket ship, big teddy (baby classes with parents only), small teddy (baby classes without parents only) & parachute (baby classes without parents only)
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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