Page 15 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 15
Down in the Jungle
Down in the jungle where nobody goes,
There's a great big gorilla washing his clothes.
With a rub-a-dub here and a rub-a-dub there,
That's the way he washes his clothes.
Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie BOO! x 3 That's the way he washes his clothes.
Down in the jungle where nobody goes, there's a great big snake...
Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie SSS!...
Down in the jungle where nobody goes, there's a great big crocodile...
Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie SNAP!...
Down in the jungle where nobody goes, there's a great big tiger...
Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie ROAR!...
NB: Make sure to use a mix of pronouns (e.g. her/his, she/he) so the animals aren’t all assumed male.
Animal actions:
‘Gorilla’: arms down muscle pose, twisting side to side to pulse
‘Snake’: hands together, ‘slithering’ side to side to pulse ‘Crocodile’: snap hands together to pulse
‘Tiger’: two hands ‘clawing’ alternately to pulse
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Reveal a jungle mask from your sparkly bag. Briefly introduce the children to that animal and the sounds it makes. Hand the mask to one of the children and sing a verse about that animal. Hands on hips and shake head (as if to say “no”) to the pulse for the first line. Do the animal’s action (see below lyrics) for second line. Rub hands together to the left and then to the right for third line. Pointer finger forwards and backwards to pulse as though ‘telling off’ for fourth line and last line of chorus. Hold hands with the child you gave the mask to and boogie with them during the ‘Boom boogie’ part of the chorus. If the child is shy, you can boogie with another child or with an adult in the room. Repeat with a new animal mask and a new child. If there are too many children for each to have a turn, boogie with two different children during the chorus (one during each half). Or you could boogie with a different child for each line of the chorus so that four children have a turn each time you sing the song. To finish, make the shape of the animal on ‘BOO!’/’SSS!’ etc.
Activities for public classes with parents/carers Same as for in the nursery except you don't hand out the masks after revealing them and the adults hold hands with their own child and boogie with them during the chorus. You boogie on your own and make the shape of the relevant animal for ‘BOO!’, ‘SSS!’, ‘SNAP!’ and ‘ROAR!’.
Same as for babies in the nursery except you encourage the toddlers to join in with all of the actions. During the chorus everyone boogies on their own and then makes the shape of the relevant animal with their bodies for ‘BOO!’, ‘SSS!’, ‘SNAP!’ and ‘ROAR!’.
gorilla, snake, crocodile and tiger masks
© 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD