Page 14 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 14

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Skill focus and story time
   Activities for Babies
     Activities for Toddlers
     Activities for Pre-schoolers
    Startin g pitch
   Copy Cat
     Copy cat, copy cat. Sitting on the doormat.
    NB: Activity one is a re-cap of an activity from ‘Copy Cat’ that’s in the Term Two plans.
1. You sing the song on your own whilst doing a pulse action (e.g. clapping, waving, tapping, wiggling, nodding etc.). The children then copy the singing and action immediately afterwards (like an echo) without your help. You will need to remind the children to wait until you have finished before they sing and do the actions. Repeat several times choosing a new action each time.
2. Introduce Beating Bertie. You sing the song on your own and tap Bertie on the floor in time with the pulse. "Bertie is dancing in time with the ‘pulse’." Everyone sings, you tap Bertie on the floor to the pulse and the children clap the pulse. You give Bertie to a child who clapped in time with the pulse. The selected child taps Bertie on the floor to the pulse as everyone else sings and claps their hands to the pulse.
3. Introduce the Tapping Twins. You sing the song on your own and tap the Twins in time with the rhythm. "Did anyone notice what the Tapping Twins were doing? They were tapping in time with the ‘words’.” You can explain this further by making up sentences with exaggerated rhythms and tapping the Twins in time with the rhythm as you talk. Everyone sings and claps the words while you tap the Twins. You give the Twins to a child who clapped in time with the “words”. The selected child taps the Twins as everyone else sings and claps the “words”. Tell the children that in music there is a special word for when you clap the words and it's called “rhythm”.
4. "What does Beating Bertie move in time with?" (pulse) Everyone sings, you tap Bertie and the children clap the pulse. "What do the Tapping Twins move in time with?" (rhythm) Everyone sings, you tap the Twins and the children clap the rhythm. Keep switching between the two.
5. Volunteers tap the Twins or Bertie in time with rhythm or pulse respectively as they sing solo.
     Tapping Twins & Beating Bertie
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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