Page 16 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 16

    Going on a Picnic
(all) Going on a picnic, leaving right F
F Bb C F
If it doesn't rain we'll stay all day. Dm C
Have we brought the apple? (pause to see who has the apple)
Dm C
Yes, Mark's got the apple.
F Bm C F
Going on a picnic on a lovely day.
NB: For simplified chords play F instead of Bb and play F during, ‘Have we brought... Mark’s got the apple’.
(all) Going on a picnic, leaving right away.
If it doesn't rain we'll stay all day. (teacher) Who's got the apple? (solo) I've got the apple.
(all) Going on a picnic on a lovely day.
(all) Going on a picnic, leaving right away.
If it doesn't rain we'll stay all day. (teacher) Have you brought the apple?
(solo) Yes, I've brought the apple. (all) Going on a picnic on a lovely day.
             Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Reveal the various picnic laminates from your sparkly magic bag and name them, one by one. Hand one to each child, once again naming the object as you do.
The adults sing the song and pause after the question. Point to and name each laminate until you find the object that's been sung about. Then insert the name of the child who is holding the correct laminate into the next line.
2. As above only you accompany the adults singing on your melodic instrument.
Activities for public classes with parents/carers
As above only the babies are going on a car journey to the picnic and so adults bounce babies on their laps to the pulse.
           1. Reveal the various picnic laminates from your sparkly magic bag and ask the children to name them as you take them out. Place the laminates in front of you. Sing the whole song twice on your own, naming and pointing to each picnic item laminate.
2. Hand out the picnic laminates. You sing the whole song on your own, except for during the solo. Older toddlers can sing the solo on their own although you may need to model their solos the first few times for them to copy. Younger toddlers can just say ‘me’ when it is their turn. If the selected child doesn't respond, ask the other children (and adults, if necessary) in the group to help decide who has the item in question.
3. As above, only you encourage the older toddlers to join in with singing all of the song (except for the solo which is sung by the selected child only). Repeat several times. When you are confident that everyone understands the game, accompany the children with your melodic instrument.
4. Older toddlers only. Same as for pre-schoolers except you may need to help the children come up with ideas.
   1. Same as for toddlers
2. Give volunteers a picnic laminate each. You sing the whole song on your own, except for during the solo when the chosen child sings the solo. Repeat with a different set of volunteers.
3. As above only all the children join in with singing the group part. Repeat several times. When you are confident that everyone understands the game and knows the words and melody of the song, accompany the children on your melodic instrument.
4. Place your parachute on the ground and it becomes the car that will take the children to the picnic. They “get into the car” (crawl on top of the parachute and sit on it). The adults in the room “drive the car” (holding the edges of the parachute and shaking it up and down) as everyone sings the song. The rest of the activity is the same as activity three, only the children put their hands up to suggest their own ideas of what to bring to the picnic. Choose one idea before singing the song so you know what question to ask. The child who has given their idea sings the solo. Once the children are confident with the activity, join in with your melodic instrument.
5. As above only you drive somewhere different this time (e.g. going to the seaside, leaving right away). Use your own ideas and the children's ideas.
      picnic laminates (apple, grapes, sandwich, orange juice, scotch egg, currant bun) melodic instrument & parachute (toddler & pre-school classes only)
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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