Page 18 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 18

     Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
      Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch your nose.
Teddy bear... touch your toes. Teddy bear... touch the ground. Teddy bear... turn around. Teddy bear... climb the stairs. Teddy bear... say your prayers. Teddy bear... turn off the light. Teddy bear... say goodnight.
   1. Sing the song with your big teddy, helping him/her to do the actions to the pulse. If you are in a class with parents, the adults should copy you and do the actions with their babies. If there are no parents in the class, put big teddy down somewhere after performing the song once so he/she can “watch” as you perform the actions without him/her. Make sure to start doing the actions from the start of each line (so everyone has time to join in) and not just at the end when the action is named. You and the pre-school staff can help some of the babies to turn around.
NB: For ‘Teddy bear... turn around’ do roly poly actions with arms as turning around will be too tricky for the babies
2. “Teddy is very sleepy now. Let's help her/him to go to sleep by singing the song quietly.” Hold the teddy in your arms like a baby and rock him/her to the pulse as you sing the song quietly. The babies can lie down on the ground or be rocked to the pulse by an adult. Allow each child a stroke of the teddy to say ‘good night’ before putting her/him back in your sparkly magic bag. Do not allow them a cuddle of the toy as it will take too long and interrupt the flow of the lesson.
      Activities 1 & 2 are same as for pre- schoolers
3. Everyone puts on their “quiet voice”. The children rock imaginary teddies to sleep as they sing the song quietly.
    1. Sing the song with your big teddy, helping him/her to do the actions to the pulse.
2. Put the teddy down somewhere after performing the song once so he/she can “watch” as you perform the actions without him/her. You sing the song and perform the actions with the children. Make sure to start doing the actions from the start of each line (so the children have time to join in) and not just at the end when the action is named.
3. Teach the song one line at a time.
4. Everyone performs the song with the actions for the big teddy.
5. Introduce the traffic light and explain that when it is green, sing out loud, and when it is red, use “thinking” voices. The children sing the song with actions and you indicate whether to sing “out loud” or in “thinking” voices by flipping the traffic light around at the end of each phrase or keeping it on the same side. Do not flip it in the middle of a phrase. To begin with you will need to mouth the words for the children to follow whilst they are using “thinking voices”.
6. You and the children sing through the song and perform the actions once. Reveal Beating Bertie from sparkly bag. "What does Bertie dance in time with?" (the pulse). Everyone sings, you tap Bertie on the floor to the pulse and the children clap the pulse. You give Bertie to a child who clapped in time with the pulse. The selected child taps Bertie on the floor as everyone else sings and claps their hands to the pulse.
7. Reveal the Tapping Twins. "What do the Twins tap in time with?" (the rhythm). Everyone sings and claps the rhythm while you tap the Twins together. You give the Twins to a child who clapped in time with the rhythm. The selected child taps the Twins together as everyone else sings and claps the rhythm.
8. Everyone sings, you tap Bertie on the floor and the children clap the pulse. Everyone sings, you tap the Twins together and the children clap the rhythm. Keep switching between the two.
      big teddy, traffic light, Beating Bertie & Tapping Twins
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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