Page 20 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 20

     Sally Go 'Round the Sun
      Sally go round the sun,
Sally go round the moon.
Sally go round the chimney pots, Every afternoon. WHEE!
   1. The babies sit under the parachute. The grown ups walk the parachute around in a circle holding it just above the children's heads as they sing. Adults with very young babies can hold them as they walk the parachute around instead. The adults lift the parachute up high as they say 'WHEE!' at the end.
   Same as for babies
* You can choose between 'Walkin' in the Rain’ and 'Sally Go 'Round the Sun'. 'Sally Go 'Round the Sun' works well when your toddlers are mostly 1-2 (and are therefore less mobile) and/or when you do not have enthusiastic adults to help the younger toddlers walk around the room.
  Swing me Over the Water
     Swing me over the water, Swing me over the sea.
Swing me over the garden wall, And swing me home for tea. WHEE!
   Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. The adults hold their child's hands and rock them back and forth in time with the pulse as they sing the song. They lift their child up high on 'WHEE!' You demonstrate with your big teddy.
Activities 2 & 3 are same as activities 1 & 2 for ELCs and pre-schools.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. The group moves the parachute from side to side to the pulse and lifts it up on 'WHEE!' Repeat with the small teddy on top, flinging it up high into the air at the end.
2. "Who else can we swing home for tea?" Repeat activity one but with another soft toy.
   * You can choose between 'Let's Take a Walk' and 'Swing Me Over the Water'. 'Swing Me Over the Water' works well when your toddlers are mostly 1-2 (and are therefore less mobile) and/or when you do not have enthusiastic adults helping the younger toddlers to walk around the room.
1. You and the adults help the children get into pairs. They hold hands and do a rowing action in time with the pulse as you sing the song.
2. Same as for baby ELCs and pre-schools activity one.
3. Same as babies activity two
     big teddy (babies classes with parents only), parachute, small teddy, fish toy, cat toy & dog toy
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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