Page 19 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 19

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Pulse activities
    Activities for Babies
       Activities for Toddlers
    Activities for Pre-schoolers
    Start ing pitch
   Let's Take a Walk
     Let's take a walk,
Take a walk, take a walk,
And see what we can see there.
Examples of four bar rhythmic statements for the enchanted forest:
I can see a little fairy. (I can see a little fairy.)
Look there's a big tree. (Look there’s a big tree.)
I like the forest...
Splitter splatter raindrops...
I like the rain...
There's a dragon in the water...
    Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. The adults hold their babies and walk them around the room in time with the pulse.
2. Experiment with moving quickly, slowly, loudly and quietly.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
Activities 1 & 2 are same as for public classes with parents/carers.
NB: If there aren’t enough adults in the setting to help walk the children around the room, replace this song with ‘Swing Me Over the Water’.
         * You can choose between 'Let's Take a Walk' and 'Swing Me Over the Water'. 'Let's Take a Walk' works well when your toddlers are good walkers and/or when you have enthusiastic adults joining in and holding the children's hands as they walk.
1. Same as pre-schoolers activity one. Younger toddlers may need grown-ups to hold their hands.
2. Ask a volunteer to decide where the class should go on their adventure today (e.g. beach, park, enchanted forest etc.). If they need help you can make suggestions. You lead the children in walking around the room as you sing the song. When you arrive at the beach, ask the children to tell you what they can see (in their imaginations). You give an example (e.g. "I can see a jelly fish in the water. What can you see?"). Ask for another suggested destination and repeat the process.
   1. The children tap alternating fists on knees to the pulse as they sing. Once most of them are in time, they stomp alternating feet on the floor to the pulse instead (whilst still sitting). Sing 'stand up' and tell the children they are going on an adventure. The children walk around the room to the pulse as they sing the song several times. Try stopping and change direction in between repeats because you are “going the wrong way!”
2. Ask a volunteer to decide where the class should go on their adventure today. If they need help you can suggest the beach, the park or an enchanted forest etc. Sing the song and lead the children on an adventure around the room, walking to the pulse and sometimes stopping in between repeats to change direction. When you arrive at your destination (e.g. enchanted forest), improvise four beat rhythmic statements about what you can see there. The children echo you. You can also do this using beautifully illustrated children's books. For example, you could go on an adventure to Storyland, find a book and describe the pictures in four bar rhythmic statements for the children to echo.
3. As above only you clap the rhythm of the words as you say the rhythmic statements and the children clap the rhythm of the words as they echo you.
     Illustrated children's book (pre- schoolers only)
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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