Page 9 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 9

     Little Brown Seed
   I’m a little brown seed, Curled up in a ball.
I’ll wait for rain and sunshine, To make me big and tall.
 Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Grown ups put their arms around their child and cuddle them as they move gently side to side to the pulse for first three lines. They lift them up high into the air on the last line.
You demonstrate using your big teddy.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Tell the babies that you are going to grow some flowers (show laminate). Hand a coloured scarf to each baby and explain that you are going to grow the colours you are handing out. E.g. "We're going to grow pink (hand a pink scarf to a child), red (hand a red scarf to a child) etc. flowers." Point to a red scarf. "First we're going to grow some red flowers." Help the children to hide their faces with their scarves. You do the same and bend forwards slightly as though curling up for the first three lines. Some of the older babies will copy you. Remove your scarf and hold it up high in the air for the last line. Only the older babies will be able to hold their scarves up high. Adults to help younger babies remove their scarves as though doing a peek-a-boo.
       1. Same as for babies ELCs and pre- schools except older toddlers can curl up in a ball on the ground and stand and stretch up high during the last line.
2. Same as for pre-schoolers (older toddlers only)
    1. Use flower laminate to introduce rhyme. “It’s time for us to grow our very own flowers. Who can tell me what is the first thing we need to grow a flower (a seed)?" Mime planting a seed. "And once we've planted the seed, what does it need to grow and turn into a flower (sun and water)?" Mime adding sun and water. "What colour should we grow today?” Curl up into a ball and say the rhyme as you very gently bounce in time with the pulse. Stretch up as high as you can and spread your fingers out wide during the last line. Comment on how beautiful the children’s flowers (fingers) are. Ask the children to suggest a different colour to grow and repeat.
    flower laminate, big teddy (babies classes with parents only) & coloured scarves
     Two Little Dicky Birds
      Two little Dicky Birds sitting on a wall.
One named Peter and one named Paul.
Fly away Peter, fly away Paul.
Come back Peter, come back Paul.
         Same as for pre-schoolers
     Same as for pre-schoolers
    1. Place one bird finger puppet on each pointer finger and hold them out in front of you. Lift up 'Peter' and then 'Paul' where indicated, bowing them towards each other. Hide Peter behind your back then Paul behind your back as they each ‘fly away’. Bring Peter back in front of you and then Paul back in front of you as they each ‘come back’. The children copy your actions with imaginary birds (they stick out their pointer fingers).
2. Same as above except substitute ‘Peter’ and ‘Paul’ with two children's names. Repeat until you have used all the children's names (unless there are more than 15 children in the group, in which case select a few children only).
         2 x bird finger puppets
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