Page 50 - Pre-school dance plans autumn- nursery parent copy
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Autumn Lesson thirteen: body parts two
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ by The Wiggles EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson one
2. Stretching and curling: Hedgehogs
EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson one
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘Thomas the Tank Engine Theme’ by Mike O’Donnell
EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson twelve
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ by Anne Porter
EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson twelve
5. Fine Motor Skills: ‘My Feet’ by Lucy Milan Davis & Sarah Moss
EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson twelve
6. Choreographed Dance: ‘The Hokey Pokey’ by ‘Kids All-Stars’
EYFS aims & Dance Aims
See autumn lesson twelve
7. Action Song: ‘Dem Bones’ by James Weldon Johnson, adapted by Lucy Milan Davis & Sarah Moss
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones x 3 Shake dem dancing bones.
The foot bone’s connected to the shin bone, The shin bone’s connected to the knee bone, The knee bone’s connected to thigh bone, Shake dem dancing bones.
The hip bone’s connected to the back bone, The back bone’s connected to the neck bone, The neck bone’s connected to skull bone, Shake dem dancing bones.
EYFS aims
To develop self-awareness through touching and naming body parts
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
CL (LA) & (S)
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