Page 2 - Term Three drama lesson plans - preschool parent copy
P. 2

 Hello parents and staff,
This document contains the drama lesson plans for Term Three and describes in detail the educational aims for each activity. We have also included the lyrics to any songs or poems in the plans so you can follow along during the lessons and/or practise with the children afterwards.
Each term our drama students explore a different overarching theme through focus games, improvisation, whole-body movement, singing and making up and performing their own stories.
The overarching themes are:
Term One = people and communities Term Two = transport and adventure Term Three = animals
Term Four = the world around us
There is also a unique lesson topic for each week, which fits into the termly theme (e.g. ‘Families’ is the topic for week one of Term One, which has the overarching theme of ‘People and Communities’).
Please note that the educational aims listed are for classes with 15 children or less. Activities for larger classes need to be adapted and so some of the aims may not be met. Furthermore, your teacher may make small changes to these plans to accommodate your particular group’s needs.
Many Sparkles,
Lucy Milan Davis – Company Director
 © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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