Page 21 - Term Three drama lesson plans - preschool parent copy
P. 21

Repeat chorus
Right flipper, left flipper, right foot, left foot
Repeat chorus
Right flipper, left flipper, right foot, left foot, bob your head
Repeat chorus
Right flipper, left flipper, right foot, left foot, bob your head, turn around
Repeat chorus
Right flipper, left flipper, right foot, left foot, bob your head, turn around, stick out your tongue
Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea? When you look at me a penguin you will see! PENGUINS ATTENTION!
To develop listening and attention through joining in with a song and to follow directions
CL (U)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
To motivate children to be active and to improve coordination and control through joining in with the actions
To take part in an active and energetic activity that encourages health
To develop skills in singing and to move rhythmically
To pretend to be penguins
6. create the story EDUCATIONAL aims
See Term Three lesson one
7. Act out the story EDUCATIONAL aims
See Term Three lesson one
8. Action Game EDUCATIONAL aims
See Term Three lesson two. Except UW (TW) is:
To reinforce knowledge of some animals that live in the cold
9. Travel back to the real world and give out magic sparkles
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