Page 10 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 10

Zoom, zoom, zoom, (press your palms together to make a ‘rocket’, moving them from side to side to the pulse)
We’re going to the moon. (as above)
Zoom, zoom, zoom, (as above)
We’ll be there very soon. (as above)
If you want to take a trip, (walk the fingers of one hand up the other arm)
Climb aboard my rocket ship. (continuing above action on the same arm)
Zoom, zoom, zoom, (press your palms together to make a ‘rocket’, moving them from side to side to the pulse)
We’re going to the moon. (as above)
(spoken) In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... (hold up the fingers of one hand and hide them away one at a time)
...BLAST OFF! (jump up high, with palms together above head like a ‘rocket’)
Next, tell the children that you’re all going to get into “old, slow rocket ships”. Perform the song again slowly. Then tell the children that you’re going to get into “super fast rocket ships”. Perform the song again quickly.
NB: Put on an ‘astronaut’ voice for the countdown to add to the excitement and make the children laugh! Please ensure your ‘astronaut voice’ isn’t automatically male. *Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: ‘Five Aliens’ (traditional)
Divide the class into two. Half the children are going to be the aliens and the other half are going to be the astronauts piloting the flying saucer. If, for example, you have ten children in the class, count five children one at a time to be the aliens (so they know if they are Alien One, Two, Three, Four or Five). The aliens sit under the parachute. Everyone else (the astronauts) sings the song acapella and shakes the parachute. As you say ‘Whoosh!’, the parachute is lifted up and Alien One flies out from under and then around the parachute until they find a space to sit in the circle. Repeat until there are no aliens left. The astronauts and the aliens switch roles and the whole game is repeated.
Five aliens in a flying saucer, Flew round the earth one day. Looked left and right,
But they didn't like the sight, So one alien flew away. Whoosh!
* Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
 © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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