Page 8 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 8
8. Working with Props: ‘When Dinosaurs Ruled the World’ performed by Washington Winds
Hand each child a scarf. Play the track and the children move around the room like dinosaurs. You indicate when to become which dinosaur and the children copy your movements. It’s also fine for the children to make up their own movements.
Pterodactyl: run on tippy toes and use your scarf and opposing arm as wings. Triceratops: fold scarf in half and use as the dinosaur’s horn.
Brachiosaurus: move around on all fours. Pause now and then to munch some leaves (your scarf).
Stegosaurus: bend down low and swish tail (scarf) behind you.
Tyrannosaurus rex: scarf is slightly twisted and held at two ends, press the ends together and open them to be the jaws. Hold the scarf open as you “roar”.
As the music gets closer to the end, the dinosaurs get tired and move around the room in slow motion. They have a big stretch and lie down to go to sleep.
* Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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