Page 6 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 6

7. Action Song: All Around the Swamp’ (tune of ‘Wheels on the Bus’, traditional) Sing the song using the actions indicated by the lyrics. Take out the appropriate mask at the beginning of each verse to see if the children can remember each dinosaur’s name.
The Pterodactyl’s wings went flap, flap, flap, Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap.
The Pterodactyl’s wings went flap, flap, flap, All around the swamp.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex went grr, grr, grr, Grr, grr, grr, grr, grr, grr.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex went grr, grr, grr, All around the swamp.
The Triceratops' horns went poke, poke, poke... The Brachiosaurus went munch, munch, munch... The Stegosaurus' tail went spike, spike, spike... All the dinosaurs went zzz, zzz, zzz...
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: The Pterodactyl Flaps her Wings’ (tune of ‘Two Teddies on a Trampoline’ written by Linda Bance)
The children are standing in a circle. Move the parachute up and down in time with the pulse, making sure to go up on ‘up’ and down on ‘down’, as you sing the song. For the spoken part, lower the parachute to the ground (so the children are crouching), and move it gently from side to side. Everyone jumps up and says ‘Roar!!’ at the end.
The Pterodactyl flaps her wings, Up, down, up, down.
The Pterodactyl flaps her wings, Up, down, up, down.
She flies up high and flies down low, Up, down, up, down. x 2
(Spoken) When she’s feeling tired, She goes to sleep and snores,
And all the baby dinosaurs,
Wake her with a “Roar!!”
* Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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