Page 4 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 4
Repeat and then put the fish toy back in your sparkly magic bag. Choose a volunteer to be the first swimmer. They hide under the parachute and jump up at the end as the parachute is lifted. Make sure to substitute ‘Penny’ with the child’s name and ‘me’ with the appropriate pronoun (she/he/they). If there are more than 12 children in your class, select two or three children to hide under the parachute at once and use the following lyrics:
Children in the water, Children in the sea.
Up jumps a little fish,
And up jumps me.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles: ’Warm-Down Rhyme’ written by Lucy Milan Davis & Sarah Moss
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
The children are seated. Say the rhyme using the actions from the video.
We’ve had lots of fun in Danceland, (big stretch up with both hands in opposing directions)
But it’s time to say farewell, (wave goodbye with right hand and then left hand)
So let’s take out our magic wands, “ping”, (mime taking out wand and casting spell) And say our magic spell. (put imaginary wand back in lap)
I wiggle my fingers, I wiggle my toes, (actions as indicated)
I wiggle my shoulders, I wiggle my nose. (actions as indicated)
Say abracadabra, 1, 2, 3 (wave magic wand with right hand then count to three with left hand)
And we’re back in the real world (whisper) still as can be. (hands back in laps, sitting up straight and very still)
Give out magic sparkles.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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