Page 18 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 18
7. Action Song: ‘Icle Ockle Blue Bottle’ (traditional)
The children hold hands in a big circle. Nominate one child to stand in the middle and be the first ‘chooser’. Sing the song once, then the ‘chooser’ chooses a partner to join them in the middle. Repeat the song as the two children in the middle hold hands and swing around in a circle. Next, the two children in the middle choose a new child each from the circle to dance with. Repeat the song again with the two sets of partners holding hands and swinging around in a circle. Repeat this process until there are no children left in the circle. Depending on your class size, you may be able to repeat this once or twice with a different first ‘chooser’ each time.
Ickle Ockle Blue Bottle, Fishes in the sea.
If you want a partner, Just choose me.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with props: ‘Under the Sea’ performed by Samuel E. Wright Ask a volunteer to name an underwater animal. Tell the children to use their whole bodies to move like that animal. Repeat several times. Name any well-known creatures that they have missed (e.g. fish, crab, octopus, jelly fish, dolphin, shark etc.). Play the track and lead the children in moving around the room as the different animals one by one.
NB: There are no props in this activity as scarves are used in the choreographed dance. * Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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