Page 20 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 20
Demonstrate the actions with the imaginary parachute as you sing the whole song through one time. Next, sing the song using the real parachute. Lastly, place the Nemo on top and repeat again making him jump up high out of the water at the end.
This is the way we make the waves, (shake the parachute to make waves) Make the waves, make the waves.
This is the way we make the waves,
When we’re in the ocean.
This is the way we up and down... (move parachute up and down to the pulse) This is the way we make small waves... (sing quietly and make baby waves)
This is the way we make big waves... (sing loudly and make giant waves)
This is the way the sea is calm... (sing very quietly and hold parachute as still as possible)
One, two, three, whoosh! (gently move parachute up and down three times then lift it up quickly on ‘whoosh!’)
* Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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