Page 4 - Pyjama Superheroes
P. 4
If you need to join in on the actions to encourage them then please do so. Otherwise, you should clap along as you sing the chorus to help maintain energy. Repeat several times, using the children’s suggestions for actions. E.g. “Fly like Owlette, fly, fly, fly,” and “Climb like Gekko, climb, climb, climb,” etc.
5-6s only: Perform ‘PJ Masks All Shout Hooray’
“To be a real PJ Mask you need to learn the victory catchphrase and it goes like this.” Demonstrate the rhyme and actions for the children. Tell them you’re going to perform it again and this time you’d like them to join in with the actions. You repeat the rhyme and the children copy your actions. Tell the children you’re going to do it one last time but this time you’d like them to try and join in with as many of the words as their clever brains can remember. Everyone says the rhyme and does the actions. Congratulate the children and tell them that they performed the rhyme well and so are officially real members of PJ Masks.
PJ Masks, (hands on hips)
All shout Hooray, (superman arm)
‘Cause in the night, (use hands to make the shape of binoculars around eyes as you look left and right for baddies)
We saved the day. (muscle pose one way then the other)
One, two, three, hooray! (crouch down and jump up punching the sky)
9. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH HIDING: ‘Someone is Trapped’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Someone is Hiding’)
“To be like a real PJ mask, you must know how to rescue someone. So let’s do some rescuing now!” The children sit around the imaginary parachute and move it from side to side to the pulse for the first two lines. For each, “Peek-a-boo!” the children quickly lift the imaginary parachute up high into the air and then down again on “We’re rescuing you.” Repeat the song with the real parachute. Next choose two or three children (including the birthday child) to hide underneath the parachute and repeat the song. For each, “Peek-a-boo!” you reveal the hidden children. Repeat until every child has had a turn. Once the game has been played a few times, encourage the children to sing the words with you. If you have a party assistant or if there is a willing parent nearby, ask them to hold the opposite end of the parachute and encourage the children to all go under together as you sing the song one final time.
Someone is trapped underneath the parachute, Someone is trapped underneath the parachute. Peek-a-boo! We’re rescuing you.
Peek-a-boo! We’re rescuing you.
NB: If there are only a few children and there is plenty of time, the children can go underneath individually (rather than in groups).
10. CHASING GAME: ‘Catch the PJ Masks!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
“And now you’re going to have a short lesson on how to be a PJ Mask. I am the teacher and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics.
“Everyone knows that PJ Masks must know how to jump really high!”
The PJ Masks are jumping, the PJ Masks are jumping, the PJ Masks are jumping, in the night time class.
“Of course, PJ Masks must also be very good at climbing!”
The PJ Masks are climbing, the PJ Masks are climbing, the PJ Masks are climbing, in the night time class.
“And some PJ Masks can even fly!”
The PJ Masks are flying... The PJ Masks are sleeping... The PJ Masks are waking...
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