Page 5 - Term 2 dance plans- preschool parent copy
P. 5
Body Awareness
To isolate legs and push them out and to isolate head as they move them left and right
To push legs out slowly and with control and to push chest and head up slowly and with control
To pretend to be snails hiding from angry birds and show scared faces when hiding away
To improve flexibility in back
Motor Skills
To practise the gross motor skills of stretching and curling
Strength and Fitness
To develop strength in arms and back
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘My Favourite Things’ by Julie Andews
CL (U)
To play a game which requires the understanding of several stages and sequences
To use the body to explore shape through music and dance
To practise full body coordination by sliding (skating), to move opposing arms and legs, to stop and start movement, to explore new ways of moving and to move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways
To listen carefully for the signal to “freeze”
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To negotiate the space while sliding by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles
To move in time with the pulse
To move imaginatively and to pretend to ice skate to ‘danceland’ on a ‘frozen’ lake
Dance aims
Balance & Control
To slide and to freeze in ‘ice skater poses’
To stop and start moving
To slide around the room with opposing arms to legs
Motor Skills
To practise the locomotor skill of sliding
To slide in time with the pulse
Spatial Awareness
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD