Page 3 - Term Three Drama Lesson Plans
P. 3

(weeks four and six)
Perform the activity (as described above) one time (so asking each question just once, rather than repeating the activity twice as in week two). “Now I’d like you to choose some new voices. You could choose a (say the following using the appropriate voice to demonstrate) witchy voice, a spooky voice, a mousy voice, an angry voice, or any other voice that you can think of.” Choose a volunteer to suggest a new voice (e.g. spooky voice).
Teacher: Can you use your spooky voice? Children: Yes we can. Yes we can.
Repeat using an idea from two more volunteers.
(weeks eight, 10 and 12)
Perform the activity as described for week two one time (so asking each question just once). “Now I’d like a brave volunteer to do my job and be the leader.” Choose a volunteer. Ask the volunteer which voice they are going to use. You demonstrate asking the question using the suggested voice. The volunteer asks the question on their own and the group responds saying, “Yes we can, yes we can,” using the appropriate voice.
Repeat two more times (choosing a different volunteer each time). You may not need to demonstrate the question for the second and third volunteers as they may have picked it up from the first.
* Running time approx. 3 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
3. Travel to Storyland
(week one introduction)
“It’s time for us to travel to Storyland. There are lots of ways that we can get there. We can go in a rocket ship, on the bus, in a boat, on a magic carpet, riding a lion or any other way you like. If you have an idea ready in your mind, please quietly put your hand up.”
(week two onwards introduction)
“It’s time for us to travel to Storyland. If you have an idea ready in your mind, please quietly put your hand up.”
(next steps)
Choose a volunteer to suggest how to travel to Storyland (make sure to choose a different child each week). If applicable, ask the children what special clothing they need to wear and lead them in pretending to put on the required clothing. Lead the children in finding, building, waiting for or walking to the suggested mode of transport. Lead the children in moving around the room as though you are using the suggested mode of transport. Whilst travelling to Storyland call out “freeze” three times during the journey. Each time, ask a volunteer (who has put up their hand quietly) to tell you what they can see. Call out “freeze” one final time and point out Storyland in the distance. Count down from ten as you make your way there. Once you have arrived, quickly get everyone into a circle by singing the ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ song (see focus activity) and then get everyone to sit down.
Rocket ship
Put on space suits/walk to giant shared rocket ship or everyone finds their own rocket ship and brings it into the middle/press buttons, flick switches and count down to “lift off”/fly around the room making zooming noises/after each “freeze” volunteers tell you what they can see out the window/you see Storyland and count down from ten then land/get into a circle and sit down.
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