Page 4 - Term Three Drama Lesson Plans
P. 4
Put on life jackets/build boat or walk to the pier and buy tickets/climb aboard and raise mast or flag/sing ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ as you move around the room doing a rowing action/after each “freeze” volunteers tell you what they can see in the distance/you see Storyland and count down from ten then moor the boat/get into a circle and sit down.
Riding a dragon
Put on fire proof suit/all say “abracadabra” and wave magic wands to make a dragon appear/put a dragon saddle on her/climb onto the dragon/ride your flying dragon around the room/after each “freeze” volunteers tell you what they can see in the distance/you see Storyland and count down from ten then land the dragon/find somewhere safe to tie her up (so you don’t forget where she is as you’ll need it to get back to the real world at the end!)/get into a circle and sit down
* Running time approx. 4 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
4. Introduce the theme
See lesson plan for specific instructions. Remaining seated during this activity will help you to keep within the time allocated.
* Running time approx. 2 mins 30 secs.
5. Action song or poem
See lesson plan for specific instructions. All songs should be sung acapella. * Running time approx. 3 mins.
6. Create the story
“Now it’s time to make up our very own story.” You will have an opening line (or lines) written in your lesson plan. You say the opening line. “Who would like to tell me what happened next?” Listen to the suggested idea. Link the idea to your opening line to make sure that you form a clear story. “Who would like to tell me what happened next?” Listen to the suggested idea. Recap the story from the beginning and then link it to the new idea. Ask three more children to tell you “what happened next?” and repeat the same process. Make sure you use the ideas given to you no matter how nonsensical they seem and find a way to link them to the overarching story. The story should come from the children’s ideas and not yours.
The following example is taken from a real class and therefore uses actual ideas suggested by the children.
Opening line: “Once there was a beach ball called Boris who was swept away by a giant wave to sea, where he met a starfish called Sue.”
Teacher: Today’s story is about a beach ball adventure and it begins like this. Once there was a beach ball called Boris who was swept away by a giant wave to sea, where he met a starfish called Sue. Put your hand up quietly if you would like to tell me what happened next?
Child A: And there was a jellyfish and it drank up all the water.
Teacher: Once there was a beach ball called Boris who got swept out to sea where he met Sue the starfish, but then a jellyfish came along and drank up all the water in the ocean, so there was no water left! Who would like to tell me what happened next?
Child B: There was a dinosaur.
Teacher: Once there was a beach ball called Boris who met Sue the starfish in the ocean but a jellyfish came and drank up all the water. Then a dinosaur came walking up to Boris and Sue and you wouldn’t believe what happened next!
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