Page 6 - Term Three Drama Lesson Plans
P. 6

a) “Now it’s time for me to see how strong and clever your brains are today. Every time I say ‘shark’ you have to remember to find a friend or two, hug them and scream ‘Ahh’.” Demonstrate the action and sound as you explain. You say “shark” and each child finds a friend or two to hug and screams “Ahh”. Practise several times.
b) One by one add in the rest of the associations listed in your lesson plan. Make sure to mix up the order in which you are saying the words as you teach the game.
c) At first, do all the actions and sounds with the children.
d) When they have got the hang of it, you tell them you are now watching to see
if they can be really clever and remember all of the sounds and actions without
your help.
e) Lots of energy!
Moving Around the Room
“It’s time for us to move around like farm animals!”
NB: The animal type will change weekly, according to the theme of each lesson, e.g. Minibeasts/Halloween Creatures etc.
“Put your hand up quietly if you would like to suggest a farm animal that we can all be.” Listen to several suggestions from different children. If a child suggests an animal that doesn’t fit within the specified category, congratulate them on making a suggestion but ask them whether they are sure that their animal fits in the category. They will most likely realise that it does not. Then ask them to suggest another animal that does fit within the category (don’t skip to another child). Choose one of the suggestions (e.g. chicken) and tell the children that you’re going to use your magic wands to turn into that animal. “Take out your magic wands and after one, two, three abracadabra, we’re all going to turn into chickens. One, two, three abracadabra!” Play the music and move around the room like a chicken. Then, one by one, lead the children in moving around the room like the other suggested animals. You can also act out activities that each animal would regularly perform (e.g. drinking and sleeping etc.). Don’t be shy about getting down on all fours! *Running time approx. 3 mins.
9. Travel back to the real world and give out magic sparkles
“It’s time for us to travel back to the Real World but I’ve forgotten how we got here! Can anyone remember how we got to Storyland today?”
Lead the children in travelling back to the Real World using the same mode of transport that was suggested at the beginning of the lesson (make sure if you left a magic dragon tied up somewhere at the beginning of the lesson, for example, that you go back to exactly where you left it to retrieve it!). The length of this activity will depend on how much time is left in the lesson and so your improvisation can be as detailed or as simple as required. When you are nearly back in the Real World, count down from ten and arrive safely. Congratulate the children and give them each a small amount of magic sparkles in the palm of their hand as a reward.
* Running time approx. 3 mins 45 secs.
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