Page 5 - Term Three Drama Lesson Plans
P. 5

* Every now and then pause to see if the children can fill in the gaps as you re-cap the story. E.g. Once there was a beach ball called (pause and the children shout “Boris”). This will help you to maintain the children’s attention.
Teacher: Who would like to tell me what happened next?
Child C: There was a giant castle and they went inside and there were lots of things and there was a princess.
Teacher: Once there was a beach ball called Boris who got swept out to sea by a giant wave and found a starfish called Sue. They met a jellyfish who drank up all the water in the ocean. Then they met a dinosaur who took them to a magical castle, where they found a beautiful princess who showed them all of her pretty things. Teacher: Who would like to tell me what happened next?
Child D: The dinosaur ate the princess.
Teacher: Oh no! The dinosaur ate the princess! So Boris got swept up by a wave and met Sue the starfish and then a very thirsty jellyfish drank up all the water in the ocean. And then a big dinosaur came along and showed them all a magical castle where they met a beautiful princess who showed them all of her pretty things. But then the dinosaur was so hungry that he ate the princess. We need to think of a way to save the princess. Can anyone tell me how the princess was saved?
Child E: The princess climbed out.
Teacher: So Boris and Sue met a jellyfish out at sea who drank up all the water in the ocean. Then they met a big dinosaur who took them to a magical castle. It was there that they met a princess who showed them all her pretty things. But the dinosaur was so hungry that he ate the princess. But the princess was very strong and so she climbed out of the dinosaur’s mouth! Thank goodness for that. And that’s the end of our story.
N.B. As previously mentioned, you should accept all ideas that are given to you. However, if a child suggests something that you think may upset some of the other children or staff (e.g. the dinosaur eating the princess), you may slightly alter the idea (rather than dismiss it completely) to make it more appropriate.
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
7. Act out the story
Lead the children in acting out the main points of the story (the opening line plus each of the five ideas from the volunteers) as a group. Every time a new character is introduced, encourage the children to become that character using their whole bodies. Name and congratulate the children who are putting in a lot of effort. For each main story point, encourage the children to say one simple line or make at least one sound effect with you as a group. If you would like the children to help you say a line, demonstrate the line and then count them in to encourage them to all say it at the same time.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
8. Action game or moving around the room
Your lesson plan will indicate for you to either play an action game or to perform the ‘Moving Around the Room’ activity.
Action Game
See your lesson plan which will list some themed words and associated sounds and actions to go with them.
Jelly Fish = wiggle whole body as you say “wibble, wobble, wibble wobble”
Sea shell = silently curl up on the floor like a seashell
Shark = find a friend or two and hug them as you scream “Ahh!”
Surfing = pretend to ride a surf board as you sing ‘everybody’s gone surfin’’ (using the melody from the well known Beach Boys song)
Water = jump three times as you say “splash, splash, splash”
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