Page 21 - Term Two Drama Lesson Plans
P. 21

Term Two Lesson Eight: Numbers
Downloadable Songs Songs to Source
Let’s Make a Circle Shake Your Sillies Out Yes We Can
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Props Required
Music player, music speaker, sparkly magic bag, laminated picture of two swans and two wolves and magic sparkles
Lesson plan
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles
See weekly drama activity break down for video and instructions. Make sure to use lots of energy!
*Running time approx. 1 min 45 secs.
2. Focus activity: ‘Yes We Can’ written by Unknown
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
* Running time approx. 3 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
3. Travel to Storyland
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
* Running time approx. 4 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
4. Introduce the theme
“Let’s take a look in the sparkly magic bag to see what we’re going to do next.” Take out the laminated picture of two swans and two wolves. Ask the children the following questions.
a) “Put your hand up if you can name an animal that’s in my picture” (e.g. swan).
b) “How many swans are in my picture? Let’s all count to make sure. One, two.”
c) “Let’s all make a swan sound together.” Everyone makes the sound together as they
act out being swans.
d) “Put your hand up if you can tell me what other animal is in my picture” (e.g. wolf.)
e) “How many wolves are in my picture? Let’s all count to make sure. One, two.”
f) “Let’s all make a wolf sound together.” Everyone makes the sound together as they
act our being wolves.
g) Ask a volunteer to tell you a number between one and ten and to show you that
number using their fingers. Everyone counts the volunteer’s fingers to make sure they are holding up the correct number. If they have made an error, ask the child to tell you if they’re holding up too many or too little fingers (if they are unsure, ask the group). Then help them to correct the number of fingers held up and count them again as a group. Make sure to congratulate the volunteer regardless of whether or not they held up the correct number of fingers. Repeat with three more volunteers.
* Running time approx. 2 mins 30 secs.
5. Action song or poem: ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ by Unknown
“Now we’re going to sing a song about five little speckled frogs. Let’s all count to five. One, two, three, four, five.” Sing the song acapella with the following actions.
 © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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