Page 7 - Music party 5-6s online
P. 7

Oh the Grand Old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill, And he marched them down again.
And when they were up they were up,
And when they were down they were down, And when they were only half way up, They were neither up nor down.
20. UNACCOMPANIED SINGING: ‘Where, Oh Where Have all the Children Gone?’ adapted from 'Where, Oh Where are all the Babies' written by Tamar Swade & Sheena Roberts
The children should already be hiding under the parachute from the previous activity. Sing the song, moving the parachute from side to side to the pulse then lifting it up for ‘Boo!’ at the end, revealing the hidden children. Sing the song three times.
Where oh where have all the children, Where have they gone?
Where oh where have all the children, Where have they gone?
21. ACCOMPANIEDSINGING*:‘JumpAllTogether’writtenbyFoundSoundpartners&BridieJackson Perform all three verses for the children, accompanied by your melodic instrument. Encourage the children to perform the actions indicated by the lyrics during the verses and sway their hands in the air for chorus. You may need to stop playing your instrument and demonstrate swaying hands in the air whilst singing the first chorus as the movements aren’t as self-explanatory as in the verses.
Verse 1
Jump all together, jump all together, D A7
Jump all together now. DG
Jump all together, jump all together, DAD
Jump all together now.
DGD A7 Woohoo! La la la la la la, DGDAD Woohoo! La la la la la la.
Verse 2
Clap all together...
Verse 3
Stomp all together... Chorus
      “And now we’re going to dance like crazy animals.” Ask a child to suggest an animal that you can all be for the first part of the song and create a new verse to incorporate their idea. E.g. Slither like a snake, fly like a butterfly or wobble like a jellyfish. Repeat several times (using an idea from a different child each time). Make sure to choose the birthday child first if they volunteer.
22. DANCE*: ‘Sax’ written by Fleur East, Edvard Førre Erfjord, Henrik Michelsen, James Abrahart and Camille Purcell and performed by Fleur East
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
Hand each child a coloured scarf to be their ‘sax’ during the song. Go through the tricky moves then play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
* If you prefer, ask the birthday child’s parent what the birthday child’s favourite pop song is and make up a dance to that song instead. You can use the choreography from the ‘Sax’ video for ideas or make up your own. You can also suggest scarf dance songs from the Dance and Drama plans.
23. GIVE THE BIRTHDAY CARD*: ‘Happy Birthday’ (traditional)
Give the birthday boy/girl their card, read it aloud and sing the traditional ‘Happy Birthday’ song, accompanied by your melodic instrument.

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