Page 12 - Term Three Song Bank
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Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Action songs
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre- schoolers
Starti ng pitch
Barramun di Song
Barramundi, barramundi,
Cockatoo, cockatoo,
D A7 D D A7 D
Cuddly koala, cuddly koala,
Kangaroo, kangaroo.
Example alternative verse:
Kookaburra, kookaburra... Bandicoot, bandicoot... Scary red back spider... Scary red back spider... Big emu, big emu...
Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Reveal the barramundi laminate and tell the babies that it’s a special kind of fish called a barramundi. Tell them that the barramundi is an animal that lives in Australia. Next, say you’re going to sing a song all about animals that live in Australia.
2. Perform the song acapella and demonstrate the following actions on your big teddy (inserting the actions to the pulse where possible). Adults help babies to do fish hands for the first line. Adults make a cockatoo crest with one hand on their child’s head for the second line. Adults cuddle their babies on the third line. Adults bounce their babies up and down on their lap for the last line. Repeat until most of the adults know the actions.
3. Same as for toddlers activity three. 4. Same as for toddlers activity four. 5. Same as for toddlers activity five.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
Same as for classes with parents or carers except of course there won’t be an adult per child to help with the actions. Thus, we recommend you and the adults demonstrate the actions on your own for the first two lines as you would for the toddlers or pre-schoolers. Then for line three, take turns cuddling different children and for line four, take turns bouncing different children.
1. Reveal the barramundi laminate and ask the children what it is. Tell the children that it’s a special kind of fish called a barramundi. Tell them that the barramundi is an animal that lives in Australia. Next, say you’re going to sing a song all about animals that live in Australia.
2. Perform the song acapella with the following actions (and insert actions to the pulse where possible). Put hands together and move side to side to look like a fish for the first line. Put one hand on top of your head to mime the crest on the head of a cockatoo for the second line. Hug yourself for the third line. Put your hands in front of you with fingertips pointing down and arms bent at the elbow to look like a kangaroo's little hands for the last line. Repeat until all of the adults and some of the children in the room know the actions.
3. Play your melodic instrument as everyone sings the song and does the actions.
4. As above only tell the children they are going to be slow animals (perform the song at a slower pace).
5. As above only tell the children they are going to be fast animals (perform the song at a faster pace).
6. Ask the children to name any other animals they can think of (Australian or otherwise) and make up a new verse to perform based on their suggestions.
1. Reveal the barramundi laminate and ask the children what it is. Tell the children that it’s a special kind of fish called a barramundi. Ask the children to repeat the word ‘barramundi’ with you. Tell them that the barramundi is an animal that lives in Australia. Next, say you’re going to sing a song all about animals that live in Australia.
2. Same as for toddlers activity two.
3. Same as for toddlers activity three.
4. Same as for toddlers activity four.
5. Same as for toddlers activity five.
6. Ask the children if they can name any other Australian animals and make up a new verse based on their suggestions. See the example verse under the lyrics. You can try doing the same for other animal categories including zoo animals or farm animals etc.
melodic instrument, barramundi laminate & big teddy (baby public classes with parents/car ers)
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