Page 14 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 14

     Incy Wincy Spider
Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the waterspout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain,
So Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.
    Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Demonstrate with your big teddy. Creep fingers up baby's tummy. Brush down on their arms on 'washed'. Lift baby's arms up and draw sunshine (arms going up and outwards in opposing directions). Fingers creep up baby's tummy again. Once the parents are confident with the actions, accompany the group on your melodic instrument.
2. "Incy Wincy is very sleepy so this time he’s going to climb up the spout slowly." Repeat the actions from activity one but at a slower tempo.
3. "It's getting late and so Incy Wincy needs to climb up the spout again quickly before it gets dark." Repeat the actions from activity one but at a faster tempo.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Sing the song acapella. Actions are same as the well known version only you put fists in front of you, 'climbing' on top of each other to the pulse for the first line (this is much easier than the complicated finger work required for the first line using traditional actions). Once the adults are clear on the actions, join in with your melodic instrument.
2. "Incy Wincy is very sleepy so this time he’s going to climb up the spout slowly." Repeat the actions from activity one but at a slower tempo.
3. "It's getting late and so Incy Wincy needs to climb up the spout again quickly before it gets dark." Repeat the actions from activity one but at a faster tempo.
          Activity one is same as for baby classes for ELCs and Pre- schools. You can also choose to do activities two and three for baby classes for ELCs and Pre-schools or activities two to five for pre-schoolers, depending on the level of ability in your group.
     1. Sing the song acapella with the well known actions. When you are confident that all the children know the words and actions, join in with your melodic instrument.
2. "Now it's time for us to become Incy Wincy using our whole bodies." Everyone stands up. During the first line, mime climbing up the water spout and/or creep around the room. As you sing 'washed the spider out', everyone jumps down to the floor and lies down. During the third line, wake up with a stretch. During the final line, climb back up the spout. Do all of the actions with the children so they can copy you.
3. "Incy Wincy is very sleepy so this time he’s going to climb up the spout slowly." Repeat the actions from activity two but at a slower tempo.
4. "It's getting late and so Incy Wincy needs to climb up the spout again quickly before it gets dark." Repeat the actions from activity two but at a faster tempo.
5. When the children know the actions well you can accompany activities two, three and four with your melodic instrument.
     big teddy (public classes with parents/ca rers only), spider laminate & melodic instrument
        © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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