Page 16 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 16

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Skill focus and story time
   Activities for Babies
      Activities for Toddlers
    Activities for Pre-schoolers
      Startin g pitch
   Hot Cross Buns
    Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns.
One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns.
Put them in the oven, Pull them out again.
Hot cross buns (blow),
Hot cross buns (blow). One a penny, two a penny, Hot Cross buns (blow).
Examples of improvised verses
Easter eggs, Easter eggs. One a penny, two a penny, Easter eggs (hold eggs in hands).
Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny...
(bend rabbit ears to pulse)
Chocolate eggs, chocolate eggs... (rub tummies to pulse) Jumping bunnies, jumping bunnies... (jumping around with hands in front as paws)
   Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Same as for pre-schoolers except parents help babies to stir the dough, they draw crosses on the babies' tummies or backs to make the crosses, they blow on their baby's head to cool down the buns, they spread the condiment on their baby's hand pretending it's the bun and then they pretend to eat the bun or help the baby to pretend to eat the bun.
2. "This time we're going to help the babies to feel the crotchet rests by giving them a bounce every time there's a gap in the song." Adults bounce babies on lap for each crotchet rests. Try also tapping tummies or noses, clapping hands and lifting babies up.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools 1. Same as for pre-schoolers except you can draw crosses on the babies' feet one at a time to the pulse. E.g. draw a cross on the foot of one baby during 'Hot Cross' and another on 'Buns'. Alternatively, you can skip the crosses activity but include it if possible as it keeps the activity interactive. You can also skip the spreading the bun activity.
      1. Same as for pre-schoolers
2. Same as for pre-schoolers except you may need to give the children some actions to choose from or you may need to make suggestions for them.
   NB: Please read carefully as this activity is different to the ‘Hot Cross Buns’ activities in the dance and drama plans.
1. Reveal bun laminate. "Today we are going to make Hot Cross Buns." Pour all of the ingredients into a big bowl. Stir the dough to the pulse as you sing the song. Mime putting some balls of dough onto the baking tray. Then draw crosses on top of each ball to the pulse as you sing the song again.
Stretch your arms forward to put the tray in the oven as you sing ‘put them in the oven’ (listen to second track). Ask the children to decide how many minutes to put them in for and count to that number. “Beep!" Take the tray out as you sing ‘pull them out again’ (listen to second track).
Touch one bun. "Ouch! They’re too hot!" Put some gloves on and pick up the bun. Sing the song and blow on the bun during the crotchet rests (listen to third track).
Ask a volunteer to decide what to spread on the bun, (e.g. butter, jam, honey etc.). Everyone spreads the chosen condiment onto the bun during the crotchet rests. "Now they are ready we can eat them." Sing the song and take a bite from the bun during each crotchet rest. "Mmm. Delicious!"
2. Ask volunteers to suggest an action to do during the “gaps” in the song. E.g. ‘Hot cross buns (clap)’.
3. Ask the children what else they like about Easter and use their ideas to create new verses and actions. See lyrics for examples.
   F sharp
    Hot Cross Bun laminate
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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