Page 15 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 15

     Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
    Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1 & 2. Same as for toddlers.
3. Explain to the parents that they are going to demonstrate the shape of the song's melody on their child's body to encourage pitch awareness. The parents sing the song as they tap their child's body according to the pitch and rhythm. CLICK HERE to see the actions. You demonstrate on your own body. Repeat at least two or three times so the parents have a chance to learn the actions.
4. The parents gently rock their children to the pulse as they sing and you play along on your melodic instrument.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools 1 & 2. Same as for toddlers.
      1. Tell the children about lullabies and how grown ups sing them to babies to help them sleep. Tell them they are to imagine that they are singing their favourite teddy to sleep. Talk about whether the song should be sung with “loud/shouty” voices or with “soft/gentle” voices.
Perform the well known actions as you sing the song. Twinkle fingers. Raise them up high. Make a diamond shape up high with fingers. Twinkle fingers again.
2. The children do the actions as above while you accompany the singing with your melodic instrument.
3. Older toddlers only. Ask volunteers to sing the song solo as you play your melodic instrument. They stand up and hold the star laminate as they sing. You may need to join in at the beginning of each line to help keep them in time. Make sure you don't play too quickly.
    1. Same as for toddlers 2. Same as toddlers
3. Sing ‘stand up’. Explain to the children that they are going to show whether the notes in the song have a high, middle or low pitch (move hands from high to middle to low as you say this) using their bodies.
The children sing the song as they tap their body according to the pitch and rhythm. CLICK HERE to see the actions. You demonstrate on your own body.
4. Same as for toddlers activity three.
      star laminate & melodic instrument
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