Page 5 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 5
Let's Make a Circle
Let's make a circle, A circle, a circle. Let's make a circle, Here today.
Let's stamp our feet now... Let's all sit down now... (only if the children aren’t already seated)
Let's clap our hands now... Let's tap our tummies... Let's touch our noses...
Let's hide our eyes now, Our eyes now, our eyes now. Let's hide our eyes now here today.
Suggested alternative verses:
Let's drive a bus now... Let's paint a flower...
1. Sing the song as the children and adults enter the room or if they are already seated in a circle, sing the song to indicate the start of the lesson. Perform actions as described, inserting them to the beat when possible. Adults may help the younger babies with the actions. For example, they could tap a child's nose for them. You might like to hide your face and peek- a-boo a few times after you have finished the song. This will make some of the children giggle.
2. Make up your own verses about different body parts each week.
NB: For classes with parents/carers, adults should move their hands on and off the babies’ eyes in time with the pulse during ‘let’s hide our eyes now’. (As opposed to covering the babies’ eyes for the entire verse, which they may find frightening.)
1. Activity one is the same as for babies, only you can pause before some verses to, for example, get the toddlers to show you where their tummies are before singing 'Let's tap our tummies'. So they are not just copying you but demonstrating their knowledge.
2. Older toddlers may be able to come up with their own verses although you will usually need to suggest a few ideas for them to choose from.
1. Sing the song as the children enter the room or if they are already seated in a circle, sing the song to indicate the start of the lesson. Simply start singing (there is no need for talking) and the children will know what to do. Perform actions as described, inserting them to the beat when possible. After singing this song with a group for the first time, suggest, "This time, let's see if you can all scare me at the end," and repeat the last verse. They LOVE shouting ‘Boo!’ and scaring you at the end. If the children are standing then sing, 'Let's all sit down now,' to ensure they are nicely seated and ready for the next activity.
2. Ask one or two individuals to make up one new verse each, (e.g. Let's drive a car now/ Let's paint a flower/Let's tap our shoulders etc.). Ask one or two different children each week.
3. Modulate to a higher pitch and sing ‘Fly like a bird...’. Modulate to a lower pitch and sing ‘Hop like a frog...’.
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