Page 7 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 7
Puppet, Where Are You?
Mr/Mrs Bear, where are you?
Pop-up puppet:
Here I am. Peek-a-boo!
1. Have the puppet stick pulled down so that it is hidden and explain that he/she is feeling very shy today. The adults must sing 'Puppet's Name, where are you?' after 'ready' (to demonstrate the pitch) to make it pop up. Demonstrate singing it first so that everyone sings the correct melody at the correct pitch.
Then get the puppet to pop-up and sing, 'Here I am. Peek-a-boo!’ in response... but only if the group sings loudly enough for the puppet to hear! Try answering back in silly voices to make the babies laugh.
2. Ask individual babies to wave to the puppet on their own to make him pop up and sing 'Here I am. Peek-a-boo!'.
pop-up puppet
Starlight Starbrigh t
Starlight, starbright,
First star I see tonight.
Wish I may, wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight.
Alison, what's your wish?
I wish I had a dog.
Example of an alternative melody
Alison, what's your wish?
I wish I had a dog.
Same as for pre-schoolers activities one and two except younger toddlers may speak their answers. You might also need to give them some examples of what they can wish for (e.g. to be a real princess, chocolate cake, mummy and daddy etc.)
1. Reveal wand. "Does anyone know what this is? Can anyone tell me what it's used for?" Explain that today you are going to teach the children how to make wishes come true. "First you need to learn the special wishing song." Demonstrate the song and then the children copy your singing one line at a time, then two lines at a time and then in full. You may need to sing with them during the repeats.
2. "Now you need to think of a wish." You walk around the inside of the circle and point to children to the pulse with your wand as you sing the song with the children. At the end of the song you sing, ‘Child's Name, what's your wish?’ to the child you pointed to last. They respond by singing their wish. If the child uses spoken voice to communicate their answer, demonstrate how to sing their answer and ask them to try again using their singing voice. Everyone then says ‘One, two, three abracadabra!’ and waves their imaginary wands to make the wish come true. Repeat the process choosing a different child. If your group is too big to allow each child a turn, you can ask for several wishes at once before saying 'One, two, three abracadabra!' and repeating the song. Or you can select a few volunteers and on your final round sing 'Everyone, what's your wish?' And all the children who have not yet had a turn shout out their wishes. If need be, you can ask an adult to write down the names of all the children who have a turn so you can select different children next week.
3. Try asking the question using different melodic shapes. The children should attempt to imitate that melodic shape when answering your question. Listen to the example track.
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