Page 9 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 9
Five Little Snowflakes
One little snowflake with nothing to do. Along came another,
And then there were two.
One, two, three whoosh!
Two little snowflakes laughing with me. Along came another,
And then there were three.
One, two, three whoosh!
Three little snowflakes looking for more. Along came another,
And then there were four.
One, two, three whoosh!
Four little snowflakes dancing a jive. Along came another,
And then there were five.
One, two, three whoosh!
Five little snowflakes having some fun. Out came the sunshine,
And then there were none!
Oh no!!!!
1. Say "one, two, three, whoosh" and throw a scarf over a baby's head or into their hands. Say the first verse of the rhyme and as you say 'whoosh', throw another scarf to a different baby. Count out loud how many scarves there are now (two). Repeat until there are five babies with scarves. Collect up the scarves as you say 'Oh no!'. Repeat the activity until each baby has had a turn.
1. Say "one, two, three, whoosh" and throw a scarf to one child. They stand up and go into the middle of the circle to be a snowflake. They twirl around as you say the first verse. At the end of the first verse, throw another scarf to a different child as you say 'whoosh!' and that child joins the first child in the middle and twirls around like a snowflake. Repeat until you have five snowflakes. When you say 'none!', the snowflakes drop to the floor and pretend to be melted. The other children say 'Oh no!!!!' and hold their heads in disbelief. Encourage the children to help you to say 'One, two, three whoosh!' at the end of each verse and 'Oh no!' at the end of the rhyme. Repeat the game until everyone has had a turn.
1. Same as for toddlers
2. The second week you do this rhyme you should encourage the children to join in with more of the words on the first repeat.
coloured scarves
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