Page 9 - Term One Drama Lesson Plans
P. 9

Term One Lesson Two: Pancakes for Breakfast! Downloadable Songs Songs to Source
Let’s Make a Circle Yes We Can
See the Pancakes Fly
Shake Your Sillies Out
Props Required
Music player, music speaker, sparkly magic bag, pancake laminate and magic sparkles
Lesson plan
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles
Play the track and perform actions as indicated by the lyrics. Make sure to use lots of energy!
* Running time approx. 1 min 45 secs.
2. Focus activity: ‘Yes We Can’ written by Unknown
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
* Running time approx. 3 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
3. Travel to Storyland
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
* Running time approx. 4 mins (‘Let’s make a Circle’ should take a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds).
4. Introduce the theme
“Let’s take a look in the sparkly magic bag and see what clue there is for today’s story.” Take out the pancake laminate. Ask the children the following questions.
a) “What are these?”
b) “Let’s make some now.” You lead the children in quickly pretending to add flour,
milk and eggs to a bowl, stirring the mixture and pouring it into a pan.
c) “What do pancakes sound like when they’re sizzling in the pan?” All make a sizzling
sound together.
d) “What do pancakes sound like when we toss them in the air? (pause for response)
Let’s all toss our pancakes in the air!” Lead the children in making a tossing sound
as you toss your pancakes in the air.
e) “Now that our pancakes are ready, we need to add some toppings.” Ask a volunteer
to suggest a pancake topping (e.g. lemon and sugar, chocolate spread, maple syrup, chopped banana and chopped strawberries etc.). You act out putting the suggested spread on your freshly made pancakes and then eating your pancakes (using upper body) and the children copy you. Repeat using ideas from three more volunteers.
* Running time approx. 2 mins 30 secs.
5. Action song or poem: ‘See the Pancakes Fly’ by Lily Newbury-Freeman and Lucy Milan Davis
Say the poem, performing the actions described below. Then ask three volunteers to tell you where their pancake landed. Repeat this sequence two more times. Encourage the children to help you say the words during the final repeat.
Pancakes, pancakes in my tummy, (rub tummy) Pancakes, pancakes are so yummy. (rub tummy Add some milk, (pour in milk)
And add some flour, (shake in flour)
Add the eggs, (crack in the eggs) And stir with power! (stirring action)
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