Page 17 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Four
P. 17
8. Working with Props: ‘The Butterfly Flaps Its Wings’ (tune of ‘Two Teddies on a Trampoline’ written by Linda Bance)
“Now we’re going to use the parachute to make butterfly wings.” Hold onto the “imaginary parachute” and move it up and down in time with the pulse. Repeat with the real parachute. Repeat two more times with the small teddy on top and encourage the children to join in with the singing. Put the teddy back in the sparkly bag and select a few children at a time to hide under the parachute. Make sure everyone gets a turn. If necessary, ask an adult to hold the parachute with you so all the children can hide under at once.
The butterfly flaps its wings. Up down up down. The butterfly flaps its wings. Up down up down. *Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles See term four lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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