Page 14 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Three
P. 14
When Daddy walks along the street, And hurries home to me,
He takes the biggest, longest steps, That you could ever see.
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
But when I go to walk with him,
He acts quite differently,
And takes the smallest, shortest ones, To keep in step with me.
6. Choreographed dance: ‘Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers)’ performed by Grover Washington, Jr.
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
“Spending time with our daddies, uncles and grandads makes us feel really special. So, I’m going to teach you a dance about having fun while spending time with them.” Teach the children the tricky moves first, then play the track and perform the dance all together, using the choreography from the video. During the last section of the song, the children will act out performing different activities with their special person. Choose activities as suggested by the children during ‘Introduce the Theme’.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
7. Action song: ‘I Love My Daddy’ written by Unknown
“Let’s learn a song to sing on Father’s Day.” Choose a man in your life that you would like to sing about on Father’s Day (e.g. daddy/grandad/uncle). Sing the song acapella with the following actions. Hands on heart to pulse for each ‘I love my daddy/grandad/uncle’ and nod head twice for each ‘Yes I do’. Clap hands to pulse for last line.
I love my daddy. Yes I do.
I love my daddy. Yes I do.
I love my daddy. Yes I do.
He’s the best daddy in the world.
Tell the children something that your special person likes doing. Then, sing a new verse based on that activity as you do actions to match.
He likes driving, yes he does.
He likes driving, yes he does.
He likes driving, yes he does. He’s the best daddy in the world.
Next, a volunteer tells you who they would like to sing about, and everyone sings the first verse again (substituting ‘daddy’ if applicable). Ask the same volunteer to tell you something that their chosen person likes doing. Then, use their words to make a new verse (e.g. ‘He likes singing...’). Everyone sings the new verse and does actions to match the named activity. Repeat using ideas from two more children. * Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: ‘Everything is Awesome’ performed by Tegan and Sara featuring the Lonely Island
“It’s time for us to pretend to be daddies or uncles or grandads.” Hand each child a coloured scarf, play the track and lead them in the following activities:
a) Washing the car (scarves as cloths, dipping them in the bucket, scrubbing the tires, the windows, the roof)
b) Going for a drive (scarves as steering wheels, driving fast and slow, round a bend, over bumpy hills, through a tunnel, splashing through a river)
c) Playinginthepark(scarvesasballstothrowandcatch,asfootballs,asfrisbees, as a lead for a dog)
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