Page 28 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 28
Term One Lesson seven: people who help us two
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ by The Wiggles
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson one
2. Stretching and curling: Hedgehogs
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson one
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘Colonel Hathi’s March’ by Disney Studio Chorus & J. Pat O’Malley
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson six
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ by Anne Porter
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson six
5. Fine Motor Skills: ‘Helpful People’ by Sarah Moss and Lucy Milan Davis
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson six
6. Choreographed Dance: ‘Fireman Sam’ by The C. R. S. Players
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson six
7. ActionSong:‘Bang,Bang,Bang’(adaptedfrom‘RatTatTat’byEdwardHughesandPeter Westmore)
Bang, bang, bang here comes the dustman, Bang, bang, bang he’s at the door.
Bang, bang, bang, there go the dustbins, Bang, bang, bang outside the door.
Rat tat, tat here comes the postman, Rat tat, tat he’s at the door.
Rat tat, tat, there go the letters,
Rat tat, tat outside the door.
Clink, clink, clink here comes the milkman. Clink, clink, clink he’s at the door.
Clink, clink, clink there go the bottles, Clink, clink, clink outside the door.
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
CL (LA) & (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through singing
To develop upper body coordination and control through banging on the floor
To move rhythmically
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