Page 33 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 33
To choose a new partner at the end of each verse
Spatial Awareness To make a circle
8. Working with props: ‘Under the Sea’ by Samuel E. Wright EDUCATIONAL aims
To explore new ways of moving
PSED (MR) & (F/B) & CL (LA)
To listen to and try out other children’s ideas
To express knowledge of underwater creatures and how they move to the rest of the group
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To negotiate the space while moving around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles
To pretend to be different animals that live under the sea (crab, octopus, jelly fish, dolphin, shark etc.)
Dance aims
To use free flowing and natural movement whilst traveling around the room like various underwater creatures
To move around like under water creatures
Motor Skills
To practise locomotor skills by moving around the room in several different ways
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while traveling around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term One lesson one
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