Page 32 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 32
Bending, rolling shoulders, manipulating scarf, swaying arms, roly poly, shaking, waving, walking like octopus
Dance aims
Body Awareness
To observe the choreography shown by the teacher and recreate it with own body
To improve coordination by joining in with the complex choreography (especially roly poly and octopus arms)
Motor Skills
To practise several gross motor skills including bending, rolling shoulders, octopus arms, roly poly, shaking and waving and to practise fine motor and manipulative skills through gripping onto and dancing with a scarf
To dance in time with the music
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while traveling around the room like an octopus by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
7. ActionSong:‘IcleOckleBlueBottle’(traditional)
Ickle Ockle Blue Bottle, Fishes in the sea.
If you want a partner, Just choose me.
PSED (MR) & (F/B) To wait for a turn
To make a circle and work cooperatively in partners and as a group
To develop self confidence by being chosen to go into the middle of the circle and by choosing a partner
CL (LA) & (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through singing and repetition
CL (U)
To play a game which requires the understanding of several stages and sequences
To develop coordination and control through swinging around in pairs
To move rhythmically
Dance Aims
Control & Spatial Awareness
To work with your partner to swing around in a circle in a controlled way to avoid falling or bumping into another pair
Motor Skills
To develop fine motor skills through gripping onto a partner’s hands and to practise the gross motor skill of swinging around in a circle with a partner
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