Page 29 - Pre-school Summer Dance Plans
P. 29
One little croc went swimming one day (move hand with one finger side to side) Swishing her tail along the way (big swishing action with arm)
The daddy croc said, ‘SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP’, (reveal croc on first ‘SNAP’ and hide away again after the fourth)
And all five little crocs came back! (on ‘all’ reveal all five fingers again) Yay!
Encourage the children to join in with the words as you repeat the rhyme, switching hands so that the LH is the little crocs and the RH is the daddy croc.
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
6. Choreographed dance: ‘The Monkey Dance’ performed by The Wiggles
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Teach the children the tricky moves first, then play the track and perform the dance all together, using the choreography from the video.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
7. Action song: ‘Down in the Jungle’ (traditional)
Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as described below.
Down in the jungle where nobody goes, (hands on hips and shake head to pulse as if saying “no”)
There's a great big gorilla washing his clothes. (arms down muscle pose, pretending to be a gorilla, swaying left/right to pulse)
With a rub-a-dub here and a rub-a-dub there, (rub hands together to the right and then to the left)
That's the way he washes his clothes. (point and waggle finger up and down as though telling someone off)
Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie BOO! x 3 (hands on hips, wiggle hips from side to side and then strike a muscle pose with arms down as you say ‘BOO!’)
That's the way he washes his clothes. (point and waggle finger up and down as though telling someone off)
Down in the jungle... There's a great big snake... Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie SSS!...
(actions same as gorilla verse only you put hands together and ‘slither’ them side to side to pulse for second line, and strike a snake pose each time you say ‘SSS!’)
Down in the jungle... There's a great big crocodile... Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie SNAP!...
(actions same as gorilla verse only you ‘snap’ hands together to pulse for second line, and snap arms together each time you say ‘SNAP!’)
Down in the jungle... There's a great big tiger... Boom boogie, boom boogie, boogie woogie ROAR!...
(actions same as gorilla verse only you ‘claw’ each of your hands alternately to pulse for second line, and strike a tiger pose each time you say ‘ROAR!’)
NB: Make sure to use a mix of pronouns (e.g. her/his, she/he) so the animals aren’t all assumed male.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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