Page 11 - Term One Song Bank
P. 11
Five Currant Buns
F Bb
Five currant buns in a baker's shop,
Round and fat with sugar on the top.
F Bb
Along came a boy with a penny one day, CF
Bought a currant bun and took it away.
Change ‘a boy’ to the chosen child's name for the second and third activities (e.g. ‘Along came Aditi with a penny one day’).
NB: This is the best key for young children’s voices. However, if you find the chords challenging (or if you are doing a baby class where only the adults sing), you can play it in D instead (e.g. D/G/A/D).
1. Reveal the currant buns from your bag and count them out loud. Perform the song acapella. Hold up hand with five fingers for ‘five’. Arms above head in a point for ‘baker's shop’. Make a circle in front of you with your arms for ‘round and fat’. Twinkle fingers in the air for ‘sugar on the top’. Fist for ‘bought a currant bun’ and hide fist for ‘took it away’. Adults are to help the babies with actions where possible.
2. Continue with actions and hand out a laminated bun to one child on ‘bought a currant bun’. Clap the child who has just been given the currant bun. Count out loud how many buns are left. Repeat until there are no currant buns.
3. Same as activity two except you ask an adult to be your "special currant bun helper" so that you can accompany the singing with your melodic instrument.
five currant bun laminates & melodic instrument
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