Page 10 - Term One Song Bank
P. 10

     Dig, Dig, Dig
(Like a Wombat)
You gotta dig, down on the floor,
You gotta dig, come on and use those paws,
D D7 G7 Bb7
You gotta dig, with those big strong claws,
Dig, dig, dig, like a wombat.
      1. “Put your hand up if you’ve heard of a wombat. Wombats are very good at digging so we’re going to do some digging like a wombat.” Sing the song acapella and dig in time with the pulse, which will encourage the children to do the same.
2. “Now we’re going to dig slowly like a very tired wombat.” Sing the song slowly and encourage the children to dig slowly in time with the pulse.
3. “Now we’re going to dig quickly like a wombat who is in a hurry.” Sing the song quickly and encourage the children to dig quickly in time with the pulse.
4. “Now let’s dig like a wombat who isn’t tired or in a hurry.” This time encourage the children to sing along with you as you sing the song at a medium tempo.
5. Same as for pre-schoolers 6. Same as for pre-schoolers
   1. “Put your hand up if you can tell me which Australian animal looks like a small bear and is very good at digging?” Tell the children that they’re going to dig “like wombats”! Sing the song acapella and dig in time with the pulse, encouraging the children to copy.
2. “How might the wombat dig if they were feeling tired?” Sing the song slowly, encouraging the children to dig slowly in time with the pulse.
3. “How might the wombat dig if they were in a hurry?” Sing the song quickly, encouraging the children to dig quickly in time with the pulse.
4. “Let’s sing it again like a wombat who isn’t tired OR in a hurry.” Encourage the children to sing along with you as you sing and dig at a medium tempo.
5. Sing the song again at a medium tempo, this time accompanying with your melodic instrument. Encourage the children to continue with their digging actions.
6. Sing the song two more times as you play along on your melodic instrument; first at a slow tempo (“as though the wombat is tired”) and then at a fast tempo (“as though the wombat is in a hurry”).
      F sharp anacrusis
      melodic instrument
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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