Page 8 - Term One Song Bank
P. 8

     Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
      Teddy bear, teddy Touch your nose. Teddy bear, teddy Touch your toes. Teddy bear, teddy Touch the ground, Teddy bear, teddy Turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy Climb the stairs,
Teddy bear, teddy
Say your prayers.
Teddy bear, teddy
Turn off the light (click), Teddy bear, teddy bear, Say goodnight.
NB: Make sure to start doing the actions from the start of each line (‘Teddy bear, teddy bear...’) so the adults/children have time to join in (and not just at the end when the action is described).
bear, bear, bear, bear,
bear, bear, bear,
   1. Say the rhyme with your big teddy, helping him/her to do the actions to the pulse. Do roly poly arms for ‘turn around’.
If you are in a public class with parents/carers, the adults should do the actions with their babies. If you are in an ELC/Pre-school, put your big teddy down after performing the rhyme once so they can “watch”. Then perform the actions, helping some of the babies.
2. “Big Teddy is very sleepy now. Let's help him/her to go to sleep by saying the rhyme quietly.” Perform the actions one last time as you say the rhyme using your “whispering” voice.
Small classes only: allow each child a quick stroke of the teddy to say good night before putting him/her back in your sparkly magic bag.
      Same as pre- schoolers activities 1, 2&5
    1. Say the rhyme with your big teddy, helping him/her to do the actions to the pulse. Make sure to turn the teddy around for ‘turn around’ (instead of doing roly poly actions like in the babies’ activity).
2. Put Big Teddy down somewhere after performing the rhyme once so they can “watch”. Stand up and say the rhyme and perform the actions with the children.
3. Teach the rhyme one line at a time.
4. Everyone performs the rhyme and actions for Big Teddy.
5. Same as for babies activity 2.
      big teddy
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