Page 7 - Term One Song Bank
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 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term One Song Bank Rhymes
    Activities for Babies
    Activities for Toddlers
      Activities for Pre-schoolers
       Here's a Cup
    Here's a cup and here's a cup, And here's a pot of tea.
Pour a cup, pour a cup,
And have a drink with me. Mmm. Delicious!
  1. Reveal teapot laminate to introduce rhyme. Tell the babies you are going to make some tea. Perform the rhyme for the babies. Make a circle with thumb and forefinger on right and then left hands for cups. With your RH, make a fist for teapot with extended thumb for spout. Mime pouring tea into LH cup and drinking tea. Rub your tummy as you say 'Delicious!' Actions should be done to the pulse. “Cheers” each baby by tapping their hands one at a time with your imaginary cup. Repeat two times.
   Same as for babies except on the repeats you should encourage the toddlers to join in with the words and the actions.
   1. Same as for babies
2. Teach the rhyme by rote (one line at a time, two lines at a time, then in full). Perform the rhyme all together. Ask volunteers to describe what their tea tastes like.
3. Ask the children to perform the rhyme without your help.
   teapot laminate
   Roly Poly
  (voice gradually gets higher)
Roly poly, roly poly, up, up, up.
(voice gradually gets lower)
Roly poly, roly poly, down, down, down.
Roly poly, roly poly, fast, fast, fast.
Roly poly, roly poly, slow, slow, slow.
Roly poly, roly poly, clap, clap, clap.
Roly poly, roly poly, hands behind your back. (whispered)
One, two, three,
Tickle! (babies)/
Boo! (toddlers & pre-schoolers)
 1. Do a roly poly action with your forearms in front of you. On the first line, raise up your arms. On the second line, lower them. On the third line, increase speed. On the fourth line, decrease speed. Do three ‘claps’ and hide your hands behind your back when indicated by the words. Whisper, ‘one, two, three,’ then tickle your tummy (and grown-ups tickle babies’ tummies) as you all say ‘Tickle!’. Adults help the babies to do the actions. If you are in an ELC/pre- school, you and other adults can help one baby at a time.
However, please do the actions on your own the first one or two times so everyone can clearly see the actions
1. Same actions as for babies, except at the end you whisper, ‘one, two, three,’ then quickly bring your hands forward and open fists as you shout ‘Boo!’ (no tickling). Older toddlers will be able to do the actions on their own.
  1. Same as for toddlers
       Soft Kitten
      Soft kitten, warm kitten, Little ball of fur.
Lazy kitten, pretty kitten, Purr, purr, purr.
   1. Your kitten toy is hidden in your sparkly magic bag. Move it around inside and say “meow” before revealing and naming the animal. Stroke the kitten to the pulse as you say the rhyme. If the class is with parents, then they stroke their child's arm to the pulse. If in an ELC/Pre-school, adults can take turns of stroking each baby's arm.
2. The kitten toy is given to a baby to hold or stroke as you say the rhyme once. The kitten is passed to the next baby in the circle and the rhyme is repeated.
      Same as for babies except most of the children can do the actions by themselves.
    Activities 1 & 2 are same as for toddlers.
3. Volunteers take turns of holding and stroking the puppet as they perform the rhyme solo.
      soft toy kitten
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