Page 14 - Term One Song Bank
P. 14
Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term One Song Bank Skill focus and story time
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre-schoolers
Starting pitch
Down by the Bay
Down by the bay (down by the bay),
Where the watermelons grow (where the watermelons grow),
Back to my home (back to my home),
I dare not go (I dare not go).
For if I do (for if I do),
My mother will say (my mother will say),
"Did you ever you ever see a goose,
D. G
Kissing a moose?" Down by the bay.
Down by the bay... “Did you ever see a frog walking a dog?”...
Down by the bay... “Did you ever see a bear combing his hair?”...
Down by the bay... “Did you ever see a llama, wearing pyjamas?”...
Down by the bay... Did you ever have a time, when you couldn't make a rhyme?”...
1. “For this next song, I have a special job for the grown ups. I want you to repeat everything I sing. So if I sing ‘Down by the bay’, you’re going to sing... (pause for adults to repeat, help them if necessary).” Sing the first verse acapella and encourage everyone to clap in time with the pulse.
2. “For the second verse (‘frog walking a dog’, we’re going to stomp the pulse with our feet.” Accompany the second verse with your melodic instrument. Encourage adults to help the babies move their legs in time with the pulse as though stomping.
3. Sing the final three verses using your melodic instrument. Encourage a new pulse action for each new verse (e.g bouncing, tapping tummies, swaying etc.).
melodic instrument
© 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD