Page 16 - Term One Song Bank
P. 16

     Rain is Falling Down
      Rain is falling down (splash!) Rain is falling down (splash!) Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, Rain is falling down (splash!)
Blow the clouds away (blow). Blow the clouds away (blow). Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, Blow the clouds away (blow).
     Activities for public classes with parents/carers
Adults wiggle fingers as rain on their baby's head for 'rain', shoulders for 'falling' and tummies for 'down'. They tickle their child's head for each 'pitter' and shoulders for each 'patter'. For babies big enough to sit facing their parent, the adult hides their face from the child during 'blow the clouds away' and blows gently on the child's face during the rest at the end of lines one, two and four (second verse).
If the baby is very small, they simply blow gently on the baby's head.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools This activity will only work if there are lots of adults actively participating in the session. Otherwise please perform 'Down by the Bay' instead.
      1. You sing the first verse and the children copy your actions. Wiggle fingers as rain, moving hands from high (eye level) on 'rain' to middle (chin level) on 'falling' to low (chest level) on 'down'. Clap hands in air to rhythm of words twice at eye level to each 'pitter', and twice at chin level to each 'patter'. The actions demonstrate the pitch. You do not say 'splash!' at this stage.
2. As above only you encourage the children to help you with the singing. Only some of them will be able to.
3. As above only you introduce the 'splash!' and the children hit their hands on an imaginary puddle on the floor as they say the word.
4. You sing the second verse of the song and the children copy your actions. Hold hands in front of face with palms facing you as if clouds for 'blow the clouds away'. Then when you do the blowing action, move hands apart to reveal your face. 'Pitter, patter,' is the same as in verse one.
5. As above only you encourage the children to help you with the singing.
6. Sing and perform both verses with the children.
    Activities one to six are same as for toddlers only you explain to the children that their hands "show whether they are singing at a higher (put hands at eye level), middle (put hands at chin level) or lower (put hands at chest level) pitch."
7. Choose one child to perform the first verse solo and another to perform the second verse solo. Repeat with another two children.
8. How many times do we sing 'rain is falling down' in the first verse? Ask the children to help you count, pausing at the end of each line. How many times do we sing 'pitter, patter, pitter, patter'? So we sing 'rain is falling down' twice, 'pitter, patter, pitter, patter' once and then 'rain is falling down' again.
       F sharp
      rain & cloud laminates
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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