Page 15 - Term One Song Bank
P. 15

   Down Comes Mary
Down comes Mary, Down comes she.
She is looking for the, Button and the key.
Mary (soloist 1):
Who has the button?
Soloist 2:
I have the button.
Mary (soloist 1):
Who has the key?
Soloist 3:
I have the key.
      1. Sing the whole song (including all solos) with your Mary toy, moving her up and down in time with the pulse on the ground so that it makes a tapping noise. "Let's see where Mary would like to dance next? Look, Mary wants to dance on my head!” Gently tap Mary on your head to the pulse as you sing the whole song again. The children tap their heads with an imaginary Mary toy. Choose several children to have turns of holding the real Mary toy and deciding where she'd like to dance. The group copies.
2. For older/advanced toddlers only: by now the children will have heard the song many times and so will know it well. You are Mary and so sing the questions (soloist 1) on your own. The children sing the answers (soloists 2 & 3) without your help. Encourage any adults in the room to join in with the children’s part. Explain to the children that Mary will face away from them when it is your turn to sing and she will face them when it is their turn to sing. You tap Mary on your shoulder facing away from the children as you sing your solo and turn her to face the children when it is their turn to sing.
   Activities 1 & 2 are same as for toddlers.
3. Give one child a button and one child a key and they sing the solos indicated by the lyrics. You continue to sing the Mary solo and the group sings the first two lines with your help. Repeat as above but this time the group sing the first two lines without your help.
4. Discuss the people in the song. There is Mary who is looking for the button and the key; a child hiding the button; another child hiding the key and a narrator who introduces the song. Tell the children you are going to play a game and be the characters in the story. Give one child the Mary toy. They sit in the middle of the circle, hide their eyes and sing the Mary solos (you can change ‘Mary’ to the child’s name). Give one child the button and another the key. They hide them behind their backs and sing the indicated solos. The rest of the children are the narrators and sing the introduction. At the end of the song, Mary must guess who has the button and who has the key.
       Mary toy, button and key
        Over in the Meadow
      Teacher or group:
Over in the meadow,
In a nest in a tree,
Lived an old mother birdie and her,
Little birdies three.
"Sing" said the mother.
Children or solos:
"We'll sing," said the three.
Teacher or group:
So they sang and were glad, In their nest in the tree.
   1. Put three bird finger puppets on your hand. Sing the song for the children, swaying the puppets from side to side. Hold them up high during ‘“We'll sing” said the three’ so it looks like the birds are singing.
2. The parachute becomes a bird's nest. Place the three finger puppets on top, counting them out loud as you do so. The babies and adults sit around the parachute, moving it from side to side as the adults sing the song.
3. If there are older babies in the class, see if they'd like to take turns sitting on top of the parachute and being the birdies. The rest of the group moves the parachute from side to side to the pulse as in the previous activity.
      1. Put three bird finger puppets on your hand. Sing the song for the children, swaying the puppets from side to side. Hold them up high during ‘”We'll sing” said the three’ so it looks like the birds are singing. Sing the song several more times, encouraging the adults and older toddlers to help the birdies to sing the ‘“We'll sing” said the three’ part.
2. The parachute becomes a bird's nest. Three children are chosen to sit in the bird’s nest. The rest of the children and the adults move the edges of the parachute gently to the pulse as they sing the song. Repeat with a new trio. Encourage older trios to try singing the birdies’ part on their own.
    1. Put three bird finger puppets on your hand. Sing the song for the children and sway the puppets from side to side. Hold them up high during ‘“We'll sing” said the three’ so it looks like the birds are singing. Sing the song several more times but now the children are the birdies and they must sing the birdies’ part on their own. They can look at your puppets for a clue.
2. Teach the children the rest of the song. This shouldn't take long as they will be familiar with it from the previous activity.
3. The parachute becomes a bird's nest. Three children are chosen to be the birdies sitting on the bird's nest. They are given a bird finger puppet each and they sing the birdies' part on their own. The rest of the children move the edges of the parachute gently to the pulse as they sing the rest of the song with you. Repeat with a new trio.
4. The children are standing and holding hands in a circle. Three children are chosen to stand in the middle with a finger puppet each and be the birdies who sing the birdies’ line on their own. The rest of the group walk around the birdies in time with the pulse as they sing the rest of the song.
      3 x bird finger puppets & parachute
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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