Page 24 - Term One Song Bank
P. 24
Jump All Together
Verse One:
Jump all together, jump all together, D A7
Jump all together now. DG
Jump all together, jump all together, DAD
Jump all together now.
(spoken) Hands in the air!
DGD A7 Whoa Ho! La la la la la la, DGDAD Whoa Ho! La la la la la la.
Verse Two:
Stomp like an elephant, stomp like an elephant, stomp like an elephant now. x2
Suggested alternative verses:
Jiggle like a jelly fish... Slither like a snake...
Snap like a crocodile...
Hop like a kangaroo... (quietly) Sleep like a sloth...
1. “And now it’s time for some dancing! First I want everyone to jump or bounce!” Sing the first verse only, using your melodic instrument. Put the instrument down so you can demonstrate swaying arms in the air to pulse for the chorus. Tell grown ups you’d like them to sway their arms in the air for every chorus.
2. Sing the second verse and chorus with your melodic instrument, and accompany both verse and chorus for the rest of the activity. Encourage seated stomping action for the verse and arms swaying in the air again for the chorus.
3. Make up new verses. For public classes with parents/carers, use assisted actions like 'bounce (on knees) all together' for the verses. If you are in an ELC/Pre- school, only suggest simple movements that some of the babies will be able to do alone (e.g. ‘Clap all together’, ‘Tap (noses) all together’ etc.). Keep reminding the adults to sway arms in the air for the choruses.
4. Have some animals (finger puppets, soft toys or masks) hiding in your sparkly magic bag. Take one out and then sing about how it moves. Repeat several times with different animals.
5. Get out the parachute. Sing 'Bounce all together...' and the adults move the parachute up and down to the pulse. Place your finger puppets on top and repeat.
1. Same as for pre- schoolers
2. Same as for pre- schoolers
3. Same as for pre- schoolers except the toddlers will probably need your help coming up with ideas, so have some ready to go.
4. Same as for pre- schoolers except only older toddlers will join in with most of the words. Younger toddlers will find this more difficult so it's okay for them to just do the movements.
5. Same as for babies activity four only you encourage the children to move like the animals as you sing about them.
1. “And now it’s time for some dancing!” Sing 'stand up'. “First I want everyone to do lots of fantastic jumping!” Sing the first verse only, using your melodic instrument. Put the instrument down so you can demonstrate swaying arms in the air to pulse for the chorus. Tell the children you’d like them to sway their arms in the air for every chorus.
2. Same as for babies except standing up.
3. Ask a child to suggest another movement for the first half of the song (e.g. clap all together) and repeat the song incorporating their idea.
4. Encourage the children to join in with the singing as more children suggest new verses.
5. Ask children to suggest the way their favourite animal moves. It could be their pet at home or from a story from their ELC/Pre-school. If they need help you can suggest a well know story like ‘The Gruffalo’ and impersonate them in the order they appear in the story.
6. Sing 'Let's Make a Circle' and 'sit down' when you have finished the activity to get the children ready for the next activity.
parachute, animal finger puppets &/or animal masks & melodic instrument
© 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD