Page 25 - Term One Song Bank
P. 25

     See Doggie Bouncing
   See doggie bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, See doggie bouncing like a ball.
I never knew he could go so high.
I never knew he could go so low.
I never knew he could stand so still (pause). (slower and quieter)
See doggie sleeping, sleeping, sleeping,
See doggie sleeping, oh so still.
 1. Reveal your soft toy dog and sing the song for the children. Move him/her up and down to the pulse as you sing the song. Lift him/her up high on the third line and hold him/her down low on the fourth. Move him/her up and down quickly on the fifth line and then pause your singing and hold him/her still. Rock the doggie like a baby for the last two lines.
2. If there are parents in the class, they bounce their babies on their laps to the pulse. Lift them up high for the third line and back down again for the fourth. They bounce them quickly for the fifth line and then pause briefly. They rock their babies for the last two lines. If you are in an ELC/pre- school, the babies bounce on their own or with the help of an adult, or you can skip to the next step.
3. The group sit around the parachute and move it up and down to the pulse. Lift it high, low, move it quickly, hold it still and move it slowly, as indicated by the lyrics and the tempo of the song.
4. Once the adults understand the movement, place the soft toy dog in the middle of the parachute and repeat the previous activity.
   1. Same as for babies
2. The children jump up and down to the pulse. They stretch up high on the third line and crouch down low on the fourth. They jump quickly on fifth line then freeze. For the last two lines they lie down and pretend to go to sleep.
3. Same as for babies 4. Same as for babies
   Same as for toddlers
   soft toy dog & parachute
     Uncle John
      Father and mother and Uncle John, Went to town, one by one.
Father fell off, mother fell off,
But... Uncle John went on and on, And on and on and on!
   Activities for public classes with parents/carers You demonstrate using your big teddy. The adult bounces their child on their lap for the first two lines. They sway their child to the left for 'Father fell off', as though the child is about to fall off their lap, and to the right for 'mother fell off'. They pause for 'But...' then bounce their babies quickly for the last line. Repeat three times.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
If there are lots of staff on hand to help, do the activity as above with the adults (including you) giving a different child a turn each time you sing the song. Alternatively, you can sing another action or movement song in place of this one.
      Same as for babies except the children can bounce on their own or on an adult's lap.
      big teddy (babies classes with parents only)
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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