Page 27 - Term One Song Bank
P. 27

   ‘Pizzicato Polka’ performed by Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra& Kosice
 Activities for public classes with parents/carers
Adults face their baby and tickle their tummy, hands and feet in time with the music. You do the same with your big teddy. When you know the piece well you will be able to anticipate where the pauses and slower/faster parts come in so you can express this in your movements. Make sure to pause the actions during the pauses in the music. Hand out scarves for the next activity whilst the music is still playing and gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not including listening at all.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools See activities for 'I Giorni'
     Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Play the track through your speakers and hand each child a coloured scarf. Ask the children if they can guess which instruments are being played. Pretend your scarves are violins, cellos and pianos and 'play' them in time with the music. When you know the piece well you will be able to anticipate where the pauses and slower/faster parts come in so you can express this in your movements. Make sure to pause the actions during the pauses in the music.
The children place their scarves over their heads for the next activity and you gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. Name and congratulate the children who sat the most quietly. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not including listening at all.
     Same as for toddlers only you could ask the children to suggest which instruments to 'play'
   big teddy (babies with parents only), bubbles (babies without parents only) & coloured scarves (pre- schoolers only)
   ‘Recuerdos de la Alhambra’ performed by Simon Dinnigan
    See activities for 'I Giorni'
    Same as activities for 'I Giorni' except for activity two, where you pretend to play the guitar instead of the piano.
       Same as for toddlers
      bubbles & coloured scarves
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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